Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Beginning and Brittany...

Today Doug and I took Emma Grace over to a friends house for some Memorial Day festivities.  This is the first time she has really been to visit anyone since her birth due to her heart condition so I was excited and nervous at the same time.  Our friend's Stephen and Pam made sure there weren't a lot of people there so we could do it.  As we were visiting, I realized that Stephen and another friend Bill were the individuals God used to introduce Doug and I in 2004.   He knew then, that through these two men, Doug and I were going to begin our love story and  six years later that would allow Emma Grace to enter the world.  I never realized how beautiful our story really was until recently and now it all makes perfect sense.

Doug and I married June 5, 2009 and I instantly had a beautiful family.  I inherited an amazing teenage daughter named Brittany and the three of us moved to Plano, TX.  I found out I was pregnant in September as Brittany entered her Sophomore year of high school and it was awesome to see how excited she was to have a baby sister. Looking back now, I see how God was preparing us to be Emma's family.  I can clearly see it in Brittany's life.  While many teenagers are trying out for cheerleading and sports, Brittany was applying for the PAL's program at school.  This is a Peer Assistant and Leadership program which provides students with an opportunity to mentor teach and lead other students in the special education programs.  I remember being amazed at her character and feeling honored that God had allowed me to be a part of her life.  She was teaching me and I didn't even know it.  I often think about when Emma Grace was born and how my initial reaction was that of devastation.  Brittany had waited the same ten months I had for her sister to be born.  If she was devastated, she didn't show it. She displayed that she was definitely cut from the same cloth as her father.  It was because of the two of them that I began to see the beauty that was right in front of me.  My heavenly Father had created a beautiful family for me but my selfish pride was blinding me from seeing it.  I couldn't see how truly special Emma really was through the monitors and tests that were being run.  All I could see were Cardiologists and Pediatricians and Heart surgeons and Down first.

I have had to ask God for forgiveness for being so asleep that first week.  And then, I have had to thank him countlessly for awakening me.  It's amazing what one sees once they're awake...


NanamomM said...

My precious daughter, we all have imperfections. Some of us are imperfect for the world to see and some of us have hidden imperfections. The great "I Am" takes the flaws of His children and turns all into gold, of course we have to be willing to be put in the fire that lifts out imperfication. God wants us to want Him and allows us to choose to go in the fire, or not. Sometime the flaws are removed and sometime they remain to help us stay close to God or to give Him glory. People will marvel at a joyful spirit in spite of circumstances as well as marvel at how God takes his kids through tough times.

It's an honor & a gift and God allows us to understand this.
Love Mom

PS Thank you Wilson family for letting us be a part of your family.

Unknown said...

I love you so much Dawn, you are an amazing person, friend, woman and Mom. I am honored to be your friend. You are an inspiration to us all. Everything God does is good, all the time. Your post reminds of that.

Lil' Zizi's said...

Oh man I love you guys! Gods work is so very amazing! And when the light turns on to let you see it, it's almost overwhelming. Love you! You're such a good blogger! Xoxo

Grannie Annie said...

Doug, Dawn, and are such an inspiration and encourage us all to be willing to do whatever comes before us! I thank you and am sooo blessed to know you and watch you these days. When we are willing to "see" the world through Gods' Eyes, it is a miracle in that it changes our view....thanks for showing us this!! Love you all!

pammiemcd said...

Great blog Dawn, Love it! And Jeanie is right, please save hard copies for future use, it will be awesome. But most of all, we feel extremely privileged and honored that Emma's first (of hopefully many) visit was to our home. We so enjoyed having you.

Also, we've buckled in to ride along on what is the beginning of an amazing journey...!! You and Doug are doing an awesome job.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I remember the night Emma Grace touched all of our lives. She has been given to you and Doug and even me to remind us of what really matters in life.. She is truly a pure soul sent down from heaven to show us all that we better let go of all the things that keep us away from God. Pride ego and such... She will teach us all the true meaning of love and kindness... I am blessed to haven been able to be with you through the days to share your joy... Every time I hold that little Angel I feel true joy... I love my sweet baby angel... Zuma

KellieA said...

When I saw you a few days ago, I knew you had gone thru a profound change. A few weeks ago, I saw how "dark" it was for you. I was transported back 20 years ago and to clear memories; I understood completely. I know what it is like to be told your baby has a condition that will impact the rest of their lives. I know what it is to deny it, to panic over how to provide enough care, to feel cheated out of your dream, and to grieve over the "loss" of the baby you had planned for. I also know what it is like to awaken to the amazing fact that your child is a true blessing and how your desire to protect and defend their right to be treated equal and cherished for who they are, not who you thought they should be, is the strongest feeling I have ever had.

I saw this change in you and was so relieved and happy. So many told you that you were beautiful that night, and I agree, but what I saw was the peace (and determination) in you. Thank God for waking you up!

KellieA said...

When I saw you a few days ago, I knew you had gone thru a profound change. A few weeks ago, I saw how "dark" it was for you. I was transported back 20 years ago and to clear memories; I understood completely. I know what it is like to be told your baby has a condition that will impact the rest of their lives. I know what it is to deny it, to panic over how to provide enough care, to feel cheated out of your dream, and to grieve over the "loss" of the baby you had planned for. I also know what it is like to awaken to the amazing fact that your child is a true blessing and how your desire to protect and defend their right to be treated equal and cherished for who they are, not who you thought they should be, is the strongest feeling I have ever had.

I saw this change in you and was so relieved and happy. So many told you that you were beautiful that night, and I agree, but what I saw was the peace (and determination) in you. Thank God for waking you up! I love you!